Plant oil

Petrifilm Rapid Yeast & Mold Count Plate is for the enumeration of Yeast & Mold

Petrifilm Rapid Yeast & Mold Count Plate is for the enumeration of Yeast & Mold

Ready to use test for the enumeration of Coliforms

Petrifilm Enterobacteriaceae Count Plate is for the enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae.

3M Petrifilm is a unique technology for ready detection and enumeration of E. coli / Coliforms

Pre-moistened or not swabs for environmental sample collection.

Swab in pre-filled bottle with various diluents like Buffered Peptone Water or Letheen Broth or Neutralizing Buffer

Biocide free cellulose sponges in a variety of pre-hydrated dilutions for sample collection…

3M sampling sponges come in wet or dry formats with and without gloves to fit many applications

3M safe, reliable and fast indicator of the presence of bacteria in liquids or on surfaces

3M’s LM1 for Removal of organic residues and microorganisms from surfaces

Swab test for the detection of protein residues on surfaces and in solution