Mycotoxins Detection

Rapid test for detection of Aflatoxin M1 in milk.

EuroProxima has developed a sensitive ELISA test for quantitative screening …

Fast ELISA test from Europroxima for quantitative screening on the presence of Aflatoxin M1

EuroProxima has developed a sensitive ELISA test for quantitative screening …

Flow-Through Rapid Test by Europroxima for screening of ZEA in cereals

FTRT test for screening of Total Aflatoxins with sensitivities down to 4 ppb…

Flow-Through Rapid Test by Europroxima for Screening of OTA in wine…

Rapid, flexibile Test by Europroxima for Screening of OTA in Food and Feed…

Rapid, flexibile Test by Europroxima for screening DON in cereals…

Rapid test for detection of Aflatoxin M1 in milk. Ready to use test.

Screening of Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in Food and Feed. In order to test for AFB1 analytical …

ELISA test for screening for Total Aflatoxins in a broad range of matrices by Eurorpoxima