Grees DNA Food extraction
Universal Kit for genomic DNA extraction from Food and Feed. GREES DNA Kit FOOD, studied in order to improve and maximise the process of the extraction of genomic DNA from food products, fresh and processed, and feed, allows the recovery of a DNA sufficiently cleaned up not to inhibit enzymes as the Taq polymerase.
It is intended for preparation of DNA to use in several control tests on food matrices as GMO, Food allergens, Food fraud detection.
Technical specifications
Kit features
- Ready to use reagents
- Results at 60 minutes
- Suitable for a wide range of samples
- Store at room temperature
- 2 analysis protocol for user choice
- 50 extractions
Sample kind
- Vegetable tissues: leaf, Shoot, Fruit, seed, tuber etc
- Animal tissue: muscle, liver, blood
- Food samples: flour, bakery products, Fruit juices, chocolate and cocoa products, milk and dairy, spices, cold cut, sauces, tofu, canned tuna Feed
Test time
- 60 minutes for 10 homogenized samples
- 24 months